Category: Electrical / Electronics

  • Radio Frequency Module PPT

    Radio Frequency Module PPT

    Radio Frequency Module (popularly known as RF Module) is an electronic device used to operate a device wirelessly through transmitting and receiving the radio signals. It is widely used in various areas for vehicle monitoring, robot remote control, wireless data transmissions, and more.

    The below ppt explains how the RF module works?

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    Nowadays, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is the most commonly used technology in inverters. This technology controls the power supplied to the electrical devices. Implementation of PWM has provided a lot of protection and controls to the circuits when compared with the traditional inverters.

    There are lots more to know about PWM. Have a look at the below ppt:

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  • Diode PPT

    Diode PPT

    The diode is an electronic component, which allows the flow of current in one direction i.e. Forward direction. In mechanical terms, a diode is referred as a check valve.

    There are various types of diode, which are mentioned briefly in the below ppt:

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  • Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor PPT

    Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor PPT

    The main purpose of controlling the speed of Three Phase Induction Motor is to save unwanted energy. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is used to control the speed of motor with the primary voltage control method. It certainly leads to the best performance and high efficiency of the induction motor.

    As a result of using VFD, large amount of energy is saved by reducing sudden jerks at the start of the motor.

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  • Position Sensors PPT

    Position Sensors PPT

    Position Sensors is a device that provides the position measurement of a component. A position sensor can be:

    • Linear
    • Angular
    • Multi-axis

    Some of the well-known position sensors are:

    • Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
    • Hall Effect Sensor
    • Proximity Sensor
    • Potentiometer
    • Ultrasonic Sensor

    For in-depth details, look at the ppt displayed below:

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  • Smart Sensors PPT

    Smart Sensors PPT

    Smart Sensors are a package of sensors and instruments, which is driven using microprocessors. It forwards communication capability and on-board diagnostics to a monitoring system that helps to maximize operational efficiency and minimizes maintenance costs.

    Check out the below ppt for more information.

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