Category: Mechanical

  • Solar Tracking System PPT

    Solar Tracking System PPT

    A solar tracker is a device which keeps the payload directly to sunlight. A payload can be of reflectors, solar panels, lenses, or other optical devices. It not only follows the sun from east to west, but it also tracks the angular movement of sun. So, this tracker system can produce maximum solar energy.

    Interested to explore your knowledge on Solar Tracking System? Check the below PPT:

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  • Group Technology PPT

    Group Technology PPT

    Group Technology (GT) is a manufacturing technology in which same parts are identified and classed together to find a single solution for a set of problems. Hence, GT saves time and effort. The similar parts are grouped together to form a part family. Each part family has similar manufacturing and design qualities.

    To know more about Group Technology, check the below PPT:

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  • Numerical Control (NC) Machine PPT

    Numerical Control (NC) Machine PPT

    Numerical Control Machine (also known as NC machine) is an automated machine in which the machine tool control is programmed with a series of numbers. These numbers represent the tool position, cutting speed, feed, etc.

    The below ppt speaks about the components, working, programming, advantages and disadvantages of a numerical control machine:

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  • Flexible Manufacturing System PPT

    Flexible Manufacturing System PPT

    Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a system introduced to produce high quality products with reasonable price and lead time. Some of the main devices used in FMS are robots, CNC machines, sensors, computers, etc. Although the cost of implementation is high, it has increased system reliability, machine efficiency, and quality.

    The below ppt discusses about the three manufacturing flexibilities of FMS:

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  • CNC Machines PPT

    CNC Machines PPT

    CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Machines are automated machines, which uses CAD (Computer Aided Design) or CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) programs to automatically execute a series of machining operations. The invention of CNC machines has increased the volume of production, quality, productivity, and flexibility.

    To explore more about CNC machines, just have a look at the below ppt:

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  • Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor PPT

    Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor PPT

    The main purpose of controlling the speed of Three Phase Induction Motor is to save unwanted energy. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is used to control the speed of motor with the primary voltage control method. It certainly leads to the best performance and high efficiency of the induction motor.

    As a result of using VFD, large amount of energy is saved by reducing sudden jerks at the start of the motor.

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