
  • Apache Hadoop PPT

    Apache Hadoop PPT

    Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in JAVA, which has a set of algorithms for distributed storage and processing the big data on computer clusters of commodity hardware. It was developed in the year 2005 by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella. It helps the users to write and test distributed systems as quick as ever. Other major advantage of Hadoop apart from open-source is that it is compatible in all platforms.

    To know more about Apache Hadoop, check the below ppt:

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  • 4G Broadband PPT

    4G Broadband PPT

    4G (Fourth Generation) is one of the latest mobile telecommunication technologies, succeeding 3G & preceding 5G. There are two commercially deployed 4G systems: Mobile WiMAX (2007) and LTE (2009). It can provide a top speed of 100 Mbps for high mobility communication & 1 Gbps for low mobility communication.

    Wanna know how 4G plays an important role in telecommunications? Explore the below 4G broadband PPT:

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    Requested by: Koushik Samanta

  • Eye Movement Based Human Computer PPT

    Eye Movement Based Human Computer PPT

    Technology – the only thing that never stops growing. The computer has got lots of upgrades over the years to make it simpler and easier for the users to operate and work. Here, we have a same kind of invention in which the computer can be operated with the help of our eye movement instead of a keyboard or mouse. It’s quite astonishing to hear, and hope everyone will be interested to work on it.

    To know how this concept works, check the below Eye Movement Based Human Computer PPT:

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    Requested by: Rani Gouttam

  • HTML Basics PPT

    HTML Basics PPT

    HTML (abbreviated as HyperText Markup Language) is a computer language used to develop web pages with the help of various tags and attributes. The major advantage is that it is easy to learn and code even for a newbie. Almost every web browsers and websites use HTML for creating web contents. So, it is necessary for everyone to know about HTML and its capabilities.

    If you are new to HTML, have a look at the below HTML Basics PPT:

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  • Android PPT

    Android PPT

    Android is a well-known mobile operating system (OS) developed by Google. Each and every mobile users in this world might have experienced the sweetness of Android. It stands first in all departments for a better smartphone experience, but still lags in some areas. Google makes the Android users feel more comfort by improving the performance in its latest updates.

    There are lot more things to be known about Android and we have displayed the short notes of it in the below ppt:

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  • Ethical Hacking PPT

    Ethical Hacking PPT

    Ethical Hacking is fun when you are mad about it. It can help a business or an individual to keep their computers or networks safe from potential threats. An ethical hacker’s job will be to search and prevent the weak points of their computers or networks from malicious hackers.

    Do you want to know more about Ethical Hacking? Then have a look at the below Ethical Hacking PPT, which will give you a basic knowledge on this topic.

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